St Hermans

Holiday Parks

Fees & Charges

The annual charges involved in owning a holiday caravan are shown below.

Pitch Fees

These include charges for rates, refuse, water and sewerage and are specific to each park.

Pitch fees currently range from £2,520 to £3,160 depending on the park (please see the relevant park page for further details).

We offer two payment options:

  • Direct Debit spreads the cost over the season (eight equal monthly payments from March to October) at no extra charge.

  • A discount is given to customers who pay the pitch fee in full by the end of the previous year.


All pitches are individually metered and invoices are based on unit consumption only - there are no standing charges.

Customers are invoiced twice a year: in July (mid season); and November (end of season).

In accordance with the Office of Electricity Regulation (OFFER) Maximum Resale Price rules, we are only allowed to invoice electricity at the rate that we are charged for it.


LPG is supplied to caravans in bottles and refills are available from various suppliers on the island (we do not provide this service).

Four Seasons Fuel Limited are a local agent that we recommend and their phone numbers are 023 9299 0028 / 01403 783 379.


Caravans must be insured at all times, with a policy that includes at least £2m public liability cover. They can be insured on either a New For Old or Market Value basis and we are happy to offer valuation assistance with regards to adequate structure cover.

Customers are free to use any company that they wish, but our preferred insurers are Leisuredays and they can be contacted on either 0800 652 4626 or 01422 396 888. For further details and a guide to their premiums, download their holiday caravan Policy Brochure and Sample Quotes.


Caravans must be prepared for the winter each year and the largest job is to drain the water system to avoid frost damage (we do not provide this service).

Some customers prefer to do this themselves using the manufacturer’s instructions and/or our Winterisation guide (a copy of which can be found on our holiday Reference Documents page).

Others arrange for someone to do it on their behalf but, as always when using outside contractors, we would recommend that they ask for references and proof of public liability insurance cover first.

Paul Sayers is a local plumber who provides this service and he can be contacted on 077 9355 0757. His current charges, including re-filling the water system at the start of the following season, are £40 for caravans that don’t have central heating and £70 for those that do.