St Hermans

Holiday Parks

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have a question that is not covered below, please contact us.

What are your parks like?

Our parks all have their own unique character, with locations as varied as Chichester Harbour waterfront, rural Northney and the tourist area of Sandy Point. They all benefit from a road, with vehicular access to each pitch, and a dedicated bin area. Each park is within walking distance of a general convenience store and local pub.

When can caravans be occupied?

Caravans can be used throughout the holiday season, which is the permissible occupancy period specified by the local council. The standard season on Hayling Island is from 1 March to 31 October and is available on all of our parks.

Can the holiday season be extended?


Can caravans be used during the close season?

Any visits outside of the holiday season must be of short duration, during daylight hours and for maintenance purposes only.

How long can a caravan remain on the park?

Each caravan has a defined Licence Period of twenty years from the date that it was first bought by a consumer (the Date Of First Purchase) and this is recorded in the Holiday Licence Agreement.

What happens when the Licence Period expires?

The caravan will be removed from the park and either taken away by the caravan owner or sold off-site to a trade buyer (we usually organise this). Should the caravan be too old or deteriorated to sell off-site, we can arrange for it to be scrapped.

What is a Holiday Licence Agreement?

It is a document that sets out the terms upon which a caravan owner is entitled to place their caravan on a park. These terms include payment of the pitch fee and other charges, a requirement to insure the caravan and how and when the agreement will come to an end.

Are there any other rules or conditions?

Yes, Park Rules are issued by us from time to time. They cover the rules of conduct and practice applicable to the occupation and use of caravans and other facilities at the park.

Can a caravan be resold on the park?

Yes, but only for the first fifteen years of the Licence Period (the Age Limit, which is also recorded in the Holiday Licence Agreement). Once this period has lapsed, the caravan may be kept on for a further five years (to the end of the Licence Period) but can not be sold or transferred on the park.

When a caravan is resold on the park, who finds a buyer?

Although caravan owners are allowed to find a purchaser, we can reject anyone who does not conform to our rules and regulations. Generally we do the advertising and selling on the caravan owners' behalf and they don't get involved until the actual completion date (they need to be present to do the handover and sign the sales paperwork).

What commission do you charge on an onsite sale?

We are allowed to charge a maximum of fifteen percent plus VAT on the sale price. This is payable whether or not we find a buyer ourselves and represents compensation for the pitch being tied up for a further period, preventing us from selling a new caravan.

What happens when a caravan is resold onsite?

The purchaser is automatically given a new Holiday Licence Agreement for the duration of the remainder of the Licence Period.

Can caravans be sublet?

No, but friends and family can use the caravan as long as the caravan owner does not charge them for doing so.

Are caravans connected to mains services?

All caravans are connected to mains electricity, water and sewerage. LPG gas is supplied in bottles.

How much maintenance is involved?

Other than general cleaning, the only regular maintenance required is to prepare the caravan for winter at the end of each season.

Who is responsible for the pitch?

Caravan owners on all parks (except The Hollies) are responsible for all maintenance, gardening and grass cutting on their own pitches. We look after communal areas, verges and park boundaries.

What are the annual costs involved?

Details of annual costs are available on our Fees & Charges page.

Are pets allowed on the park?

Caravan owners may bring pets, but their guests may not. All pets must be registered with us and are subject to the conditions of our permission letter.

Do caravan owners need a TV licence?

No. As long as they have a TV Licence at home then they are covered for watching a TV at your caravan.